For whom are we working?
Presstige works for different accounts in different branches, like:
- Bres advocaten (laywers)
- Golfclub Anderstein
- HCC!
- HCC!genealogie
- IAPL (International Alliance of Practising Lawyers)
- Indisch Platform 2.0
- Terebinth Foundation (funeral heritage)
Presstige is also working (or has worked) for:
- ABT Benelux
- Amfors (social employment)
- Atelier 2nd Dream (brocante, interior)
- B & C Products (window decorations)
- Bekaserv (kantoorartikelen, -benodigdheden, -apparatuur)
- CBB (library for visual handicapt)
- Comop (relation management systems)
- Damen Shipyards
- Dansani (bathroom furniture)
- Detremmerie (bathroom furniture)
- Hansa Nederland (kitchen and bathroom taps)
- Heinen & Hopman Engineering (AC + clima systems)
- Hospice Nijkerk
- HW Logistics
- InFocus (intelligent projectors)
- IPMA (International Project Management Association)
- Kludi Water in Perfection
- NCB (project developers)
- National Exhibition on Traffic Education
- Peter Claassen (dual car control systems)
- PMI Nederland (Project Management Institute)
- PROF Tech Styles (company clothing)
- Pro3 Marketing
- Restaurant De Mandemaaker
- Skyworks (scaffolding)
- Smink Kok – van Diermen (accountants & tax consultants)
- Sphinx (bath rooms)
- Sunmaster (sunshade systems)
- Van der Bunt – Rijnsburger (animal food)
- Visser & Hopman (building constructors)